Anthony Koleske introduces Yale's Biological and Biomedical Sciences PhD Programs

Promulgator:SLSTRelease time:2015-12-08 Views:294

On December 6, Professor Anthony Koleske from Yale University was invited by Founding Dean of SLST Professor Lin Haifan to give a presentation about the Yale's Biological and Biomedical Sciences PhD programs. Vice President and Provost Professor Yin Jie hosted the seminar.

Anthony Koleske is Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and Professor of Neurobiology at Yale. He currently directs Yale's combined Ph.D. programs in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, the China Scholarship Council-Yale World Scholars Program, and co-directs the Medical Research Scholars Program. During his seminar, Professor Koleske began with why you need to sign up for a Ph.D. program and what students need to get their PhD.

The Yale BBS is comprised of seven complementary admissions tracks: Biochemistry, Biophysics, & Structural Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Genetics, & Development, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Molecular Medicine, Pharmacology & Physiology, Immunology, Neuroscience, and Microbiology. The BBS students are given a stipend, and funds to cover tuition and health insurance. The BBS student will also be fully guided regarding courses, research and living in New Haven.

Aside from students in Life Sciences, the Yale BBS also invites the students majored in Chemistry, Physics, Math and Computational Sciences to join. Right now, the China Scholarship Council – Yale World Scholars Program only has 8 participating universities: Fudan, Tsinghua, Nanjing, Sun-Yat Sen, HUST, Zhejiang, Peking, and Shanghai Jiaotong. We hope some of our students will join the Yale Ph.D. program in the near future and become a bridge between Yale and ShanghaiTech.


